TrainWreck | Teen Ink


October 7, 2016
By KaitlynA BRONZE, Eastpointe, Michigan
KaitlynA BRONZE, Eastpointe, Michigan
2 articles 5 photos 0 comments

I feel the voices coming at me from left and right
They come at me like speeding trains
I don't see them
But I feel them
Piercing my head with each word

I cross the track
Feeling the train just graze my back
Like the words that hit me from behind
Sympathy they lack.
I hear them, to their own dismay.

I turn to see the train
But they have turned away from me
I see only their backs
As if they did nothing wrong

The train is soon gone
Along with my confidence
With those few words
That I did not hear

I sit and wait
To be picked up again
But that train comes back
And pulls me lower

I've fallen even further
A place a train can not get
I'm safe
Not really

I see a hand far up
I reach
I can't get to it
The hand gives up on me

It's getting night
I'm soon unable to be seen
I hear voices above me
I can't call out, my confidence is long gone.

I hear words.
They tear at my seams
They fill the hole
Burying me under the pain

I'm crushed
And torn
I've lost my confidence
And my way

I soon see a stream
A single stream of light
I start to see
I start to hope

A hand reaches down
And waits for me
Slipping many times
I climb back up

I look at the hand
It's a girl
She smiles
And hands me my confidence

I stare at her
How and why
I can't think straight
My mind is blurred

Why are you helping me
I'm nothing
I'm a lie

She disagrees
Telling me that I'm not
I try to listen
But I can't think straight

A tear falls
I'm so confused I admit

She just shakes her head
She wipes away my tears
I'm slowly being fixed
Piece by piece

The train comes back
I slip
I fall
But don't land

I'm in her arms
She caught me
No more holes

I look at her
A smile on her face

The train laughs
But leaves
For they have no affect on me anymore

I sigh
I'm not complete
But I'm close
And now
All I have left to fix is my heart

I pick up the pieces one by one
Each one creating a new slash in my hand
I won't give up

I fight the pain
I fight the words
I'm more
I'm here

And you won't take that from me

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