Why Do We Honor Veterans? | Teen Ink

Why Do We Honor Veterans?

October 7, 2016
By countrybabe@heart BRONZE, Ava, Missouri
countrybabe@heart BRONZE, Ava, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy." Dumbledore from Harry Potter

Veterans Day is a day to honor all
Those who stood straight and tall
They stood up for our country
They held their guns and fought with bravery
Soldiers young and soldiers old
Fought for freedom, brave and bold
Some have lived, while others died
This is why they deserve our pride.
Some are broken with what we call PTSD
They got it fighting for you and me
With courage and bravery they serve
We give them the honor they deserve
They are soldiers who protected our nation
They deserve our admiration
They are left with a memory
That leaves them feeling empty
They fought for us through many days and nights
They fought for us and all our rights
They fought for all our war troubles throughout history
We have depended on soldiers to keep our country safe and free
They gave up their family time
To save your family and mine
For me and you they would have given their life
They faced endless turmoil and strife
Some were drafted, some were volunteer
For some it was months, while others it was more than a year
I thank you, veterans, for the time you served
I thank you for the freedom earned
I’m thankful for all the soldiers who
Kept thinking of the red, white and blue
Thank you veterans both young and old
And though many of the veteran’s stories are never told
I will continue to honor all veterans for years to come
I will honor them for all they have done
We need to stand up and say thank you
Because they came through
They were loyal and brave
They are all far from a knave
So please step up and shake their hand
Say thank you for making a stand
They did what we could not
They stood their ground and fought
Thank you veterans young and old
I thank you for being so bold 

The author's comments:

I was given a prompt to write a poem on why we honor veterans by my teacher for the veterans day assembley. Each year we are required to write something for Veteran's Day. This year when i was given this prompt I began thinking about what my mom told me about when she was a child and her father was in the Navy. She told me it was hard because he was gone on birthdays and holidays, he missed school events, and when he would leave out it upset her. I think that we should honor veterans because they give up their time so they can save lives and keep our country's freedom. We should shake their hand and say thank you each time we meet one because they make sacrifices for us. I want to thank all the veterans for giving up their time to keep me safe. Thank you.

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