An Inner Battle | Teen Ink

An Inner Battle

October 6, 2016
By sanjanakonda7 BRONZE, Orlando , Florida
sanjanakonda7 BRONZE, Orlando , Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are lost and scared
But, no one has cared
We were wrong
They thought they just didn't belong
They put on a mask
They try to act naturally
It's not an easy task
The change comes gradually
They battle with themselves
A fight no one can win
Face their insecurities
It is such a sin
I wish I could help them
If they would let me in
Into their thoughts of sadness
I wonder how it has been
I hope they win the war against depression
Before their whole world starts to blacken

The author's comments:

Sometimes, you feel like you are living to fight; other times, you feel like dying to give up. We are all worth fighting for. Please let someone help you fight your battle. 

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