I Lost My Name | Teen Ink

I Lost My Name MAG

October 11, 2016
By bbvanzee BRONZE, Madelia, Minnesota
bbvanzee BRONZE, Madelia, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I lived in a world of creativity,
I used to dance in loud colors and songs.
I never worried about being alone,
I was happy as the day was long.
I used to have a beautiful name,
So pure and easy to say.
But I don’t have a name anymore,
Because of who I’ve become today.
I now live in a world of black and white.
Nothing stands out anymore.
The same colors are in every image.
The colors everyone else adores.
I changed myself to fit in
To the crowds I thought were fools.
And when I lost my beautiful name,
I lost my colors too.
They say to always be yourself,
But what they don’t really know
Is that when you are colorful in an ocean of gray,
You don’t want your colors to show.
They say there is no one with a name like yours,
But their names all sound just the same.
It’s hard to stand out like they say you should do,
When really it’s “cool” to be lame.
It’s crazy, the world that we live in,
Nobody’s original these days.
They all tell you to be who you are,
When they can’t be themselves anyway.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 15 2016 at 8:03 am
gayatrielliot BRONZE, Delhi , Other
1 article 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The autumn leaves are a riot of color. They remind us of the good, colorful things, and their crunch beneath our shoes also bids adieu to all bad things that have long gone,"

Good, but slightly vague. Nevertheless, an excellent draft