The Heart's Whisper | Teen Ink

The Heart's Whisper

October 4, 2016
By KayleeRandolph BRONZE, Vidalia, Georgia
KayleeRandolph BRONZE, Vidalia, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can't speak it, write it."

"The world has never known you-"

My heart once whispered to my brain.

It does not know the kindness inside,

It barely knows your name.


It does not see how for others your heart aches,

As you bow your knees and pray.

It does not hear those whispered pleas

For those you love to stay.


It does no know the depths of your love,

Or the hope which anchors your soul.

But rather how your face appears,

And the name brand of the objects you hold.


The world is ignorant to character,

Never taking time to look deeper inside,

While we hunger for so much acceptance,

We send our character down to hide.


"The world has never known you-"

My heart once told my brain.

It tricks you to give up what's inside,

And only live in vain.

The author's comments:

Growing up, I've always had a big heart, overflowing with kindness. However, in today's world, character and kindness no longer matter, but rather the name brand of what you have and physical appearance. I choose to reject society's priority, and take back character as a priority. The world may reject me, but it's never known me.

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