The Cabin | Teen Ink

The Cabin

September 27, 2016
By chloebergren BRONZE, Copper Canyon , Texas
chloebergren BRONZE, Copper Canyon , Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a cabin upon the far hill.
The mountains.
The trees.
The water.
They all layed still.
Noone visited nor stayed, or understood why
The cabin was silent
Not a buzz of a fly.
There once was a cabin upon the far hill. 
The mountains.
The trees.
The water.
They all layed still. 
Soon presented an eager brave breath
Only to be accompanied by their death.
There once was a cabin upon the far hill.
Said to be haunted with the few of skill.
The mountains.
The trees.
The water.
They all had eyes.
Patiently waiting for their next demise.
The cabin lay waiting for its next due
Only to be presented with the gift of two.
The newspapers waited for their next lead
Coming to their surprise that the ghost was now freed.
Their once was a cabin upon the far hill.
The mountains.
The trees.
The water.
They were all athrill.
The two presented lived their lives
Happily in the forest
Where now all was alive.

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