Litany poem | Teen Ink

Litany poem

September 26, 2016
By purpleflower BRONZE, Yea, Michigan
purpleflower BRONZE, Yea, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from blush, from Covergirl and Maybelline.
I am from the bedroom vanity (white, bright, smells like flowers).
I am from the rose bush, the red flowers.
I am from Christmas parties and good artists, from Leslee and Lionel and Whetstone.
I am from jokers and hard workers.
From you are my sunshine my only sunshine.
I am from Flint, tacos and fruit.
From the ice my mom slipped and fell on, the donut she had to sit on for awhile, and the squirrel that bit my grandma.
I am from the pictures in the cabinet. The cabinet completely full of many important and meaningful pictures.

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