Senses, Thoughts, and Truth | Teen Ink

Senses, Thoughts, and Truth

September 28, 2016
By Pottedpancakes GOLD, Anchorage, Alaska
Pottedpancakes GOLD, Anchorage, Alaska
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you can't find kindness in the world, be the kindness -Delinda Witman

In the darkness
I wander lost
Without the gift of sight


In the darkness
I heard the sounds
Flaring my imagination


In the darkness
I smell ripe, rank smells
Odor’s strong in all direction


In the darkness
I taste the sweat, the blood
Salty, metallic, hardworking


In the darkness
I brush across things
Soft and silky, rough and course


In the darkness
I imagine monster
Real, biting, kicking, scratching, causing harm


In the darkness
There’s brighter light
Helping, saving, soothing


In the darkness
My sight returns
The smell turns sweet
I taste crockpot stew
I feel ribbons and pebbles
I banish the demons
Because if there is dark, there must be light

The author's comments:

I was volenteering for a For-Get-Me-Not (grief support program) thing where they help adults who lost someone get through the holidays and i was watching tears stream down their faces and though alot of my younger brother and my older sister who had died and I wrote this on my feelings about that. The 'dark' is when your grieving and I wrote the five senses on it. Then I added the thoughs that you can think and the monsters we create in the darkness. The light is the place people reach when they learn how to live with their grief, when they lean how to live for both themselves AND for their loved one(s).

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