I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember

September 18, 2016
By Anonymous

I remember the days I spent with you.
I remember the good
I remember the bad
I remember the times you came home drunk.
I remember the times you came home high.
I remember the day you said “just one more”.
I remember the time you pushed her down.
I remember the day you got a little better.
I remember the day you got even worse.
I remember your screaming
I remember your lies
I remember when you said “I’m dying”
I remember asking why you did this.
I remember saying “I hate you”.
I remember the day I found you.
I remember the needle
I remember the pills
I remember calling 911
I remember the operators voice, her name was Abby
I remember the ambulance.
I remember the hospital
I remember the faces of all the doctors and nurses.
I remember my brother’s tears.
I remember my mother’s fear.
I remember the day that I never thought I would see.
I remember the anger and guilt.
I remember the grief, the numbness, and all the disbelief.
I remember seeing you in my dreams.
I remember seeing you in pain.
I remember the pain you caused.
I remember the happiness you brought.
I remember praying you would come back
I remember knowing you wouldn't be back.
I remember the day I realized I want to help people like you
I remember the first time I helped a drug addict
I remember when I first told your story
I remember the reactions of everyone around
I remember the tears that came that day
I remember the day when I faced my fear
I remember the day that I let you go.
And most importantly
I remember you.

The author's comments:

I wrote about my father who was a severe drugadict and alcoholic. I wrote about all of the things I experienced before he passed away.

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