pretty | Teen Ink


August 24, 2016
By 32519 GOLD, Detorit, Michigan
32519 GOLD, Detorit, Michigan
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You say I'm beautiful but question is do you see the real me the inner beauty that lies within me is hard for me to be me when the best part of me belongs to you,I'm not saying I don't wanna be part of you, because you is what makes me complete when me and you are together we don't miss a beat, but what I am saying is that I need to find me for me I need to uncover myself before I can emerge myself in another, in layman's terms I don't want to lose myself in the middle of being a part of someone else
Your Love has the power to change and rearrange someone, but the fear of being in love is something that I have learned to overcome, but you scare me when you say you know me better than anyone else better than I probably know my own self, you say you see the inner most beauty in me but then the next question is why don't I see what you see

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