Letter to Myself | Teen Ink

Letter to Myself

August 23, 2016
By beverlym BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
beverlym BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

dear me,

I'm sorry for not feeling beautiful

for not being proud of the reflection I see in the mirror

It's as if I'm doing you a disservice

for not having the confidence to match someone of your caliber

I used to be happy with everything I was

till they started to pick me apart,

till they told me I wasn't enough,

and I wouldn't have believed them

if only

someone spoke up and said they were wrong

the silence was deafening

so I must've been the delusional one

for seeing perfection where they saw flaw

no matter how often you tell me I am in possession of the only significant opinion

I cannot believe it

my mind has been poisoned

my self satisfaction is now dependent on their approval

nothing kills me more

I wish I could love everything about you

but I'm unable to

because if I had that much adoration within myself I wouldn't crave it from others


The author's comments:

I hope people will read this and realize that there is nothing more important than falling in love with who you are, and to stop letting societal standards distort your percpetion of yourself. 

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