Writers | Teen Ink


August 8, 2016
By Anonymous

Writers do not have limits.
Writers do not have limits
Because words do not have limits.
So long as there are words,
There will be writers.

Writers shape words into stories.
Writers shape words into emotions.
Writers shape words so that they have meaning.
Writers shape words so that they have no meaning.

Writers do not have limits.
Writers do not have limits
Because words do not have limits.
So long as there are words,
There will be writers.

Words do have meaning on their own.
Words put together
Have the same amount of meaning.
Words create understanding.
Words give meaning
To immaterial things.
Words are gifts, yet terribly abused.
Words are not used as they should.
Words, ridiculously,
Have no definitive need of use.

Writers do not have limits.
Writers do not have limits
Because words do not have limits.
So long as there are words,
There will be writers.
And so long as there are writers,
Words will be known.

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