A Child Rides the Train to School | Teen Ink

A Child Rides the Train to School

August 2, 2016
By alazsengul BRONZE, Miami, Florida
alazsengul BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

my favorite part of school

is going there. meeting new friends.

every morning I spend around eleven minutes

taking the yellow line’s second route. eleven minutes of stories.


there’s carlos, who prefers his mom’s homemade cherry pie

over her peach pie.

he told me the peaches at the supermarket downtown 

are too sweet for him. 

I asked if I could taste his mom’s pies one day.

carlos told me she’s too busy to bake them anymore.


michael rides the train with me every day but fridays,

and he prefers me listening to him on mondays.

his favorite sport is football because it's a rough sport

but sometimes he watches hockey too. 

he told me he used to play hockey as a job but got tired of playing.

last monday I said I would cheer for him if he plays again.


louise and margaret are best friends and really nice,

but I don’t like sitting near them.

they always smell funny.

one day they told me to never forget my homework

and never fall behind in school.

I promised them I wouldn’t.


eleven minutes later, I say bye

and get off to walk to school.

sometimes at lunch I try to tell people about my friends

on the train. but they don’t listen.

The author's comments:

A Child Rides the Train to School is a poem I put a lot of time and thought into, despite its simplistic appearance. I am ecstatic that this is the first journal to let me explain my piece along with the submission!

A Child Rides the Train to School is about how some people throw minutes and seconds away while others use them to discover the world around them. The child, as the narrative voice of my poem, symbolizes innocence in a world that is seemingly too busy to care anymore. In just the train ride to school, the child learns precious details about four individuals, while other people might spend that time checking social media, etc. When the child gets to school, the other children do not care to hear the stories, frustrating the child. There's more to the simple sentences of my poem than you think, so I won't say anything more! As a hint: each character in the poem has a certain identity/secret to them ;)

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