Fearless | Teen Ink


August 1, 2016
By InTheEndIWillTriumph BRONZE, Austin, Texas
InTheEndIWillTriumph BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The minuscule creature lays sprawled before my eyes,
its tissue paper wings extending to both sides
of its fragile, emerald dotted back
Grounded on my palm.

Its small frame was etched with the exhaustion
of maintaining
her delicate

But her eyes were alive with a different inferno.
In her dark eyes streaked the spark
of the insistence
to survive,
against all odds,
against all obstacles,
against the volatile world that doubted her so.

In her dark eyes streaked the spark
of the defiant hummingbird.

The author's comments:

The hummingbird is a beautiful creature. Through the soft feathers and small figure beats a valiant heart and an indomitable mind. I may be doubted, ridiculed, mocked and scorned, but in the end, I will triumph.

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