A Man in A Mask | Teen Ink

A Man in A Mask

July 21, 2016
By WynnieZhao BRONZE, Ottawa, Other
WynnieZhao BRONZE, Ottawa, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That night with the moon on my back

I walked down the street and

A man in a suit told me I wasn't pretty enough

A man in a box told me I wasn't naked enough

A man in a crowd told me I wasn't smart enough


On that night when I walked down the street with the moon on my back

A man in a mask told me I wasn't good enough

The silence was still all around

Not a whisper in the night

You are not good enough

The streets ahead were empty and dark

You are not good enough

The ground beneath was soft from rain

Tearing and tears

You will never be good enough

The mask, ripped off


A face with drops rolling down

Silver streams hitting the pavement

Shining in the moonlight

The man with the mask without the mask smiled

You are perfect

The author's comments:

As a teenager, I am constantly feeling the pressure from society, from media and from the people around me to be or look a certain way. For me, through my own journey, I have learned that often those who try and force you into to a certain mold or make you feel small struggle themselves with issues of self esteem and self acceptance. This is the message I wanted to speak through in this poem. 

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