The Republic | Teen Ink

The Republic

July 17, 2016
By nick499 BRONZE, North Ogden, Utah
nick499 BRONZE, North Ogden, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A great and tall Republic stands, watching over this land.
Standing tall, it will never waiver, the people say,
It will stay strong and just, never to abandon its morals.

And even so, they turn and cause mayhem.
Fighting for causes they believe in, in the worst of ways
Promoting stereotypes and shouting slurs.

This once great Republic will not stand if we continue.
It will surely fall unless we band together,
brothers in arms as we once were.
Only by making our fathers proud, and doing whats right,
can we come together and save this great Republic.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because of all of the hate and violence that is occuring in America. America was a great place, and I know that the founding fathers would be ashamed of what we turned it into with our hate. I believe that only by banding together can we stop this domestic terrorism, and the hate that now flows through our nations veins. 

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