A Letter to My Mind | Teen Ink

A Letter to My Mind

July 12, 2016
By mlkqtpie BRONZE, Lake Bluff, Illinois
mlkqtpie BRONZE, Lake Bluff, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.

Dear Mind (that just so happens to be mine),

When we younger, we used to have so much fun together
Your personality had not yet been tethered
down by the public’s perception of you
Furthermore, I’d like to say
that you hadn’t turned on me quite yet
Don’t you remember those days
when we both desired to have pinkey-size pigs as pets
We also, on sunny afternoons,
enjoyed painting paper tigers black and white
But soon, your fearful ways rendered me unable sleep straight through the night

Now, though, I must care for you as if a baby
Reason with you, hold you close, protect you
When you begin to cry, I know it’s because you must also surely hate me
But slowly, I will show you new ways of looking at the world
So that even when you furl and fret
We are making the journey to become closer to each other
Well maybe, but just not yet

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