Liquid's Prison | Teen Ink

Liquid's Prison

June 21, 2016
By sbrugh BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
sbrugh BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

White styrofoam walls form a barrier for the liquids within,

the contents restricted from their natural form, a corset to their freedom,

Without it, an indefinite flow of unbounded structure could be,

With it, seemingly limitless liquids are forced into conformity -

A conformity from which they can not escape, a shape which is not their own,

Cylindrical impediment it is, standing still and strong,

As its gaping mouth widens at the top, so too do the contents

As its depths narrow, so too do the contents

A prisoner to limitation's grasp, and so their choices are no longer their own.

And as they rest within their conformist  chamber, they too must become so

The author's comments:

A poem exploring possible symbolism in a cup.

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