To Ask a Question | Teen Ink

To Ask a Question

June 13, 2016
By Samir SILVER, Sewickley , Pennsylvania
Samir SILVER, Sewickley , Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Because of impression
I have a confession to make
I was the student that was afraid to ask questions
Because people would laugh and it would affect the smart people's impression
Of me but I couldn't see the simple fact and truth of the matter
And thing about truth is that it is never served atop a decorative platter
Truth is served like medicine that is hard to swallow
But what will follow is an ultimate relief from delusion
What people think of us is but a mere illusion
You can be stupid for a second and live with pride
Or you can not ask that question, but how long will you hide?
Let a never ending thirst for knowledge be your guide
How long will you say "Oh well, I tried"
Do not let the feelings of curiosity subside
Because curiosity will ultimate divide
The achievers and the dreamers; pick your side
Be dumb for a second or be dumb forever
Understand that questions are crucial for all of your educational endeavors
Their jeers may sting, their insults may be clever
You now are armed with more knowledge
To illuminate the dark and make your world brighter
Because ignorance is darkness wrapping around your being tighter and tighter
Be free and live in the light
Fight for your right to be able to learn
Always let that fire of desire for knowledge burn
No question is dumb
Because it is questions that become
Answers that lead the world of tomorrow
Answers that eliminate sorrow
Answers that borrow
From wisdom of past
Gain knowledge and be free at last
Fools will laugh at us, but we need to ignore them
There's no help for them
They've stopped their growth and will not grow higher
So remember don't fear to question or inquire
Remember to live free and to inspire

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