The Lost | Teen Ink

The Lost

June 8, 2016
By Kitern BRONZE, Pound Ridge, New York
Kitern BRONZE, Pound Ridge, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It can only go up from here.

When something is Lost, does it lurk in the shadows?
Lying in wait for the one who wronged it to return?
Beware what is Lost
For the Lost can be found
However, the finder may not want what was Lost to be found
When the victimizer comes one step too close
The Lost shall spring forth and attack
Bringing the wrongdoer down
Does the Lost get satisfaction from this revenge?
The answer may never be found
For when the Lost finally gets this revenge
The Lost and its owner fall deep down
Never to walk the green earth again

The author's comments:

I wrote this one day on a whim, so take what you wish from it. But beware what's lost, because who knows. It might be best that it isn't found again.

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