Hairs | Teen Ink


May 27, 2016
By HuntingIsLife123 PLATINUM, Sullivan, Wisconsin
HuntingIsLife123 PLATINUM, Sullivan, Wisconsin
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My dad’s eyes are a bright blue; a shade of blue like the sky on a summer day. His eyes have an ability to command your attention every time you see him, but also hide immense knowledge deep inside. My sister also has blue eyes, but her brazen blue and bold eyes are able get her what she wants and when she wants it. Then there are my eyes, my eyes have a tint of blue like a blue raspberry icee pop, but their base is a light grey like that of a stone, worn smooth by a cold mountain stream.

Then there is my brother and my mother; the only ones with brown eyes. My brother’s eyes are the color of a freshly turned over field-- dark and earthy. His eyes hide the challenges he’s faced and overcome, but show his victories as a ray of sunlight cast through a dark bottle.  My mother’s eyes are like that of sweet cup of hot chocolate, warm and inviting. Her eye’s are strong in their color yet kind in their size. My sister, father, and I have eyes with a cool and icy blue; my mother and brother have eyes with a kind yet strong carmely color.

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