I Am a Rifle | Teen Ink

I Am a Rifle

May 27, 2016
By HuntingIsLife123 PLATINUM, Sullivan, Wisconsin
HuntingIsLife123 PLATINUM, Sullivan, Wisconsin
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A hunter wakes up before the crack of dawn and starts to gather his supplies for the journey ahead. He grabs his jacket, his backpack, a gun case, and of course his trusty rifle. His hunting rifle isn’t just some bought straight-from-Gander Mountain-rifle; no, his was passed onto him from his father and from his grandfather.

He checks the action of the rifle before loading into the case, he makes sure the bolt worn from many years of service still slides right into place with a click and there are no stray rounds left in the magazine. Once he knows the rifle will still be able to serve him faithfully, he loads it into a soft case, zips it up, and loads into his truck.
On the day before his long anticipated hunt, he checked the rifle’s scope to be sure it was still dead on. After just a few shots through the rifle, he knew it was still a tack driver, as it had been from the day it came out of the box.
On his way to the farm he will be hunting at, he can’t help but think of the many years the rifle has served his family. Of the many deer it has helped provide for his family and his father’s family and of the many stories that go hand-in-hand with the old bolt action.

Once he gets to his hunting land, he brings the rifle out from its well protected resting spot, loads a few rounds into its magazine, and then slides one shell into the chamber and as he hears the click of the bolt finding its home.  He then walks into his stand sits comfortably knowing that when the time comes, his trusty bolt action rifle will do him proud.

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Personal Metaphor

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