Three Energetic Dogs | Teen Ink

Three Energetic Dogs

May 26, 2016
By Andrew_HD GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Andrew_HD GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones that will play with me. I am the only one that will play with them. Three energetic dogs with wagging tails and a love for treats like me. Three who were unwanted at the shelter but wanted here. Three ready for play at any time. From the porch, I can see them run, but I sit and watch.
Their energy is astonishing. They never seem to run out. The run around chasing a tennis ball and snatch it off the ground, only to bring it back to me. This is how they exercise.
Let one forget his reason for being, they’d run around all day, slowly getting tired as they run. Run, run, run while I sit and watch. They entertain.
When I am too tired and too worn out to keep playing, when I am insignificant the the rest of the world, then it is I play with my dogs. When there is nothing left to do inside the house. Three who were rescued from a shelter. Three who play and teach others to play. Three whose only reason is to be and be.

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