Creatures | Teen Ink


May 20, 2016
By 670358 SILVER, Austin, Texas
670358 SILVER, Austin, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments


A creature
Living creatures, gathered
Creatures, not humans
Small, tiny creatures
So near to you, they are a part of you

Creatures that go
Noticed by nobody
But they notice you
Creatures living their lives because of you
Creatures living their lives following you

But what are the creatures
They are human like
They breathe
They live
The creatures aren’t people, nor animals

The creatures, their species, have a name
They are Creatures

The Creatures are supposedly dust
Just a spec
Flying around and being invisible

They watch us
Try to be us
Try to mimic what we do
The Creatures are different,

People; Mentors to Creatures
Creatures; Nothing to people
When they fly in the room they are looking at us to learn
We look through them, not seeing anything
Unfortunate, isn’t it

To the Creatures
You will be noticed

The author's comments:

I feel that the poem is representing how there are people in life who go their life following someone as a mentor or role model. Then the Creatures are overlooked by their mentors and are “invisible”. This happens in life when people are so dedicated to being like someone they admire and they aren’t even noticed by that person.

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