Hourglass | Teen Ink


May 20, 2016
By Natasha_Dugger GOLD, Siren, Wisconsin
Natasha_Dugger GOLD, Siren, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best way to spread christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." -Buddy The Elf

In my dream,
There was a little girl,
Staring at an Hourglass,
Her eyes grew darker than night itself,
And her skin almost transparent.
Waiting for a meaning,
Waiting for a sign,
As she stared into that hourglass,
I could hear her say to herself,
Is there really a place for me here?
In this world full of hope and opportunity
Or is there a place beyond,
Where darkness takes over light,
And in order to live,
I have to kill.
She wondered,
What if the darkest,
most sinful region on earth,
Doesn’t have a place for me.
And as she stared into that Hourglass,
Her tears raining down,
As if a tidal wave had crashed down on her face,
sinking thousands of boats,
Taking thousands of lives.
Then her hand reached out to the Hourglass,
and turned it back over again.

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