The Circle of Strife | Teen Ink

The Circle of Strife

May 19, 2016
By aguantar BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
aguantar BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Her oceans are warm and inviting
but he must remember he can't swim

His waves reach out for me on blue moons
Moments ensconced in an Ariel fantasy
but he retreats to his angels and clowns

His sand stays wet, embedded with the memory of her fiery touch
A recollection as fresh as the summer air between them
Return to her
Why does his low tide linger as long as his heavenly coasts
that court the frolicking goddesses you adore

Tell her why you are blue
His aqua clears to midnights
What tosses and turns you
What do you hide in your depths where light dare not go



When you bent me backwards, stole my petals,
As you grasped them in your burly fist, as you gave them to her
Did you think of me

What is a rose without its flower
Why did you water my soil

Have you no heart to leave me wilt
than to steal my blossoming glory

Was my aroma not strong enough
Like your arms that robbed me

Why did I lay down my thorns for you
When you wanted lilacs blue

When she was gone with the winter wind, my petals crushed
As the pieces fell through your pulsing palms, flowing down as the tears on your face
Did you think of me



I wished to be the cloud in your sky
But I could not float high

You didn't care for stormy days
Nor my monsoon rains

You loved sun kissed visions of beauty
Background blue skies
Not my hues of grey dyes

I watered your winter red roses
I roofed your endless ocean

I blew the fallen petals
I witnessed you drown in your own devils

My spring shower deluge thundered onto your roof
Blocking your vision
Apathetic you drove on, no contrition
Through my blanket of fog

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