Human | Teen Ink


May 15, 2016
By Jadee GOLD, Olympia, Washington
Jadee GOLD, Olympia, Washington
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is a journey, not a race."

I'm a girl,

But I'm more than just that.

I am a human being.

I shed tears

I have anger.

I have emotions.

I have dreams,

That saur higher than the sky.

I am not just an object,

So don't treat me like one.

Just because I'm a girl,

It doesn't mean your words don't hurt me.

Like I said I have emotions.

Sometimes the anger and sadness will build up,

My bark will be worse than my bite,

I can promise you that.

Don't say I didn't warn you,

Break my heart,

I will break you.

I'm human.

You say I can't do that,

But yet you can.

I am a girl.

I breathe.

I am alive.

Unlike your soul will ever be.

I am a girl.

I am human.

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