Bright Spots in the Darkness | Teen Ink

Bright Spots in the Darkness

May 15, 2016
By joshdeoliveira SILVER, Bellingham, Massachusetts
joshdeoliveira SILVER, Bellingham, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Festering, growing, convulsing
The Black Regime swelled to the brim of Europe.
Writhing, destroying, humiliating their foes,
Causing cries for help,
But the world stayed deaf, for its ears have gotten numb with propaganda,
blind, for its eyes don't want to see their horrors,
and mute, for their mouths feel it's not their problem.
However, out in the pall of autocracy
the dim luminosity shines through apertures.
Risking one's existence for the lives of the oppressed and shattered
for they, like glass,  have already been broken.
A single life saved, spared, respected, cared for, or rescued
can cause its own contagion of good.
Every act of humanity overcomes hardship with a single ray of light.
With all those lights, the pall is torn away
and all we can find
is bright spots.
Bright spots in the darkness.

The author's comments:

A recent Holocaust themed writing contest inspired me to write this poem.

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