If You Can- | Teen Ink

If You Can-

May 17, 2016
By ThePenIsMightier GOLD, Daytona Beach, Florida
ThePenIsMightier GOLD, Daytona Beach, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you can survive as a freshman in the High School hall,
with juniors and seniors daring you to fall;
If you can, in six minutes, make the long haul
from building nine to fourteen - (before the teacher’s attendance call);
If you can find friends who’ll stick by your side - never apart,
supporting you through bullies, divorces, and strife;
If you can discover how to mend a broken heart
in the midst of the chaos, set for life;

If you can undertake the stress of working all day,
commuting from school to a job, balancing work and play;
If you can learn how to find the sunshine on any dark day,
and combat meanness with something nice to say;
If you can learn how to live a life of your own
and not be dampened by society’s views;
If you can be the brightest star, the sharpest tool shown,
you can be anything in life that you choose;

If you can make it through these four years
not unscathed, but unharmed - without fears;
If you can be the voice that everyone hears,
and not one that seldom appears;
If you can remain unphased by peer pressure,
and make good choices when others aren't so keen,
If you do, in life, what you and only you prefer:
then you'll live a successful life as a Graduate of 2016!

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