A Poem for Mom | Teen Ink

A Poem for Mom

May 6, 2016
By imaginationstation5 BRONZE, Dorado, Other
imaginationstation5 BRONZE, Dorado, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will write until not a single word remains in my soul... Until every story in my heart has been told... Until my mind's well of ideas is bone dry... And even then I will write on because writing is not just something I do but part of who I am."

This is just a thank you for being my mother
The last fourteen years while I fight with my sisters and brothers.
You've helped me with my chores, encouraged me to do my best.
You've been there when I had homework and even made it into a fun fest.
When I was feeling down and blue you helped to make me smile.
You've helped me deal with my problems and have loved me all the while.
You've helped to teach me right from wrong and to encourage me to love the Lord.
I've had so much fun and am hardly ever bored.
I know that I don't say it enough but I really do love you.
You have done so much for me and I appreciate everything that you do.
Along with dad you have taught me many valuable life lessons
And I hope that I will get more sessions.
You are someone that I look up to a lot and I've done my best to make you happy.
Now as I close this poem for you, I hope that you don't think that it is crappy.
I couldn't think of anything meaningful to get you that would say what these words do.
And just know that these few little lines that came from my heart are the best I could do,
To make this Mother's Day special for you.
Thank you so much for being my mom!

The author's comments:

With Mother's Day just around the corner I was reminded of this poem that I wrote several years ago. Moms are awesome and they do so much for us. They really deserve all the praise and recognition in the world.

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