Maybe I'm Glad | Teen Ink

Maybe I'm Glad

May 3, 2016
By Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
35 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just a little while longer now

Maybe I'm glad

Maybe I'm a little more graceful

No squealing

My own music

I can do anything

Travel the world

Tour in a band

In the car for hours

Cousin's house over vacation

Maybe I don't like this sweatshirt

Maybe I'm not meant to paint my nails

Maybe I'm okay without a phone

'm glad my siblings aren't in college

I'm glad I don't care for the NFL

Maybe it's okay we live on little

I like our small, white house

I miss our neighbors

I want to open a camp

I'll listen to every song on my iPod shuffle

Ill read every book

I want my own library

Books fill a room

Words make pictures

Pictures can't make words

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