The Fallen Soldier | Teen Ink

The Fallen Soldier

May 2, 2016
By mandyrs99 BRONZE, Middletown, New York
mandyrs99 BRONZE, Middletown, New York
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I breathe music like others breathe oxygen

He held it all

The palm of his hand
But as he became distracted by a world corrupt
He let purity
And all good slip through his fingertips
And now
He grasps at the cracks in the ground
Searching for a way to get back what he lost
When he gave in to sin and earthly desires

Hope is lost
Just as lost as what he has misplaced
He is fighting an uphill battle
And each step he takes is two steps back
He sees no point
He is so weak
He gives in
And he collapses now
A fallen soldier
Not by valiance
But by choice

And now the fallen soldier weeps fearing all is lost
The end is near
And the devil
Closing in to claim his prey which
So easily
Walked into his trap
For he was not strong enough to resist temptation
Nor was he strong enough to resist confinement once caught
Becoming lost and hopeless
Confined and trapped

The Beast closes in
Dire end is near
But here before Beelzebub
Comes a light
In its hands
A golden globe

She comes
And stands before the fallen soldier
As she has so many times before
But now
Times have changed
For now she is not pleading to aid her fallen soldier
But he now is pleading for her help
The help she has offered so many times before

Though long overdue
The soldier sees the error in his ways

The White Lady sees this
Yet over her shoulder
Beelzebub approaches
She lifts her fallen soldier in her arms and lifts him above
Cascading him in her white light
As she casts away Satan
Having reclaimed her soldier as one of her own

Away she brings her fallen soldier to safety
Before laying him before her
She now takes the light she contains
And shares its wealth
Cascading her fallen soldier in a golden light
And he becomes armed
In a suit of armor glowing of the same gold
Which the White Lady possessed in her hands
She speaks:

Rise my fallen soldier
Though lost
You have been found
Though having betrayed me and having succumbed to sin
You have been given chance at redemption
And fight your battle
This time having experienced what comes from sin
Fight valiantly
And pledge never to fall but at the hands of hell themselves

She takes the golden globe which she holds in her hands
And shows her now risen soldier images
Of how each time the soldier fell
The White Lady was there
But never noticed by the soldier

She then takes her golden globe of virtue, innocence, and sanctity
And breaks it in half
She hands half to her newly risen and awoken soldier
A connection
Only to be severed by history repeating itself

And the soldier glows
Surrounded in light mimicking that of the White Lady
For he has been given a chance to be redeemed
She speaks one last time:

Do not falter, my golden hero
For the road of redemption is a difficult one
But fear not
If ever you are in danger
Need you only search for the White Lady
And see me
Standing beside you
Clad in my own armor
Ready to fight your war with you
Do not forget your wrongdoing
But remember it
Live as an example from it
And you shall never fall again
So long as you allow assistance
And live from mistakes
Good luck
And remember
I always stand beside you

And on that last note the White Lady vanished
Only to appear as her soldier needed

The soldier has a mission
And a second chance
To right his wrongs

And he is ready
To fight his war

Are you?

The author's comments:

This poem is aboout a fallen soldier who fears that his battle is lost until an angel appears when he needs it most and offers him a chance at redemption and renewal. It is a motivational poem encouraging people to fight their daily battles and struggles and to get up when they fall down. 

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