There's A War in Her Mind | Teen Ink

There's A War in Her Mind

April 17, 2016
By laurenmichelle BRONZE, San Diego, California
laurenmichelle BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spilling from her lashes, she saw tears. 

I saw constellations. 

Spilling from her lashes, she felt scars. 

I felt galaxies. 

She said, "Darling, I've got a war in my mind." 

I told her, "Baby, it must be a terrifying place to be."

And yea, she's consumed by her own insanity.

But I found to many oddities to waste what

lives beneath those pale, porcelain bones. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece looking back on myself when I was going through a really tough time emotionally. Now, I'm submitting it in the hopes that readers will realize their own self-worth. I sincerely hope that those who are struggling will take a good look at themsleves and realize that they are worth it. I want people to know that they were put on this earth for a reason, even if they don't entirely know what that reason may be. 

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