Time... | Teen Ink


April 6, 2016
By Marcos_Serrano BRONZE, Glenwood, Illinois
Marcos_Serrano BRONZE, Glenwood, Illinois
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm scared of life because of death but without death i have no life.

Time is something,
We all try and make,
But at the end of the day,
We just waste it away.

Feeling so empty,
Our clock is running out,
Of something so complex,
But we easily throw out.

Time isn't something small,
It’s a gift given to us by God,
Because by every second passing,
He hasn't taken you out.

He looks at us with such disgrace,
Because we've made a big mistake,
Which is believe that we're immortal,
Or that we'll live till the end of days.

Life's too short to stress over the little things,
Imagine yourself alone in your room,
So angry and furious,
For something you didn't even do.

But yet you’re stressing,
Over what that person thinks,
All that time waited,
You thought you were both in sync.

Just imagine the amount of star created,
While your mind and heart were tired and fading.
God created about 80 million stars,
And yet you stressed over a girl who supposedly "Broke Your Heart".

You’re not a baby,
Or a kid,
But you are acting like a child.

So get up,
Grow up,
And smell the morning breeze.

Because you've wasted enough time,
And the man upstairs always sees.

The author's comments:

The amount of time waste taht as teens we don't see and take for granted is not right because there are those who'd wish and pray for just a minute with a passed loved one and we waste time like its free, but everything has acost evn our lives.

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