That Little Leaf | Teen Ink

That Little Leaf

March 24, 2016
By Rebecca Oet GOLD, Solon, Ohio
Rebecca Oet GOLD, Solon, Ohio
12 articles 5 photos 1 comment

Sheep, grazing in the fields,

each one's nose following the other's furry tail.
We are like these cloud brained sheep, numbly following the shepherd.
Me, I was the same, sitting at a stained, cracked desk typing away.
My window was open,
and a leaf drifted through,
the type of leaf that seems to be the same as any other,
but I saw it anyway. I got up,
my keyboard falling,
falling and splintering on the drab carpeted floor.
My eyes are spinning,
swirling now.
The leaf goes back out the open window,
and I chase it, right out the window.
Now I have my quest, and I follow it diligently,
skimming over the oceans, and soaring above the earth.
I am carefree,
Until I see you. Just that one glance of you disrupts all of my work,
you have deadened me.
My little leaf soars away, and I do not follow.
You, with your jacket flying in the wind, I can't get you out of my mind.
You are beautiful, and strong, and clever too.
You are my highest idol, and I need to meet you, I scramble over the underbrush, desperately seeking you,
but you are forever unattainable.
But taking a glance in the mirror, I finally see.
The you I was seeking, is me as I should have been.
I cast off my wings, and plummet back to earth to join you.

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