The Tigress | Teen Ink

The Tigress

March 24, 2016
By FanGirl29 GOLD, Severn, Maryland
FanGirl29 GOLD, Severn, Maryland
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who do you think I am?

I am like the roaring tigress,
Who has lost her voice.
Mouth agape,
Off-white teeth glistening in the sun,
But no one is afraid,
For she is the silent beauty.

The beautiful tigress stalkes back and forth,
Back and forth,
As people watch her from the other side of the glass cage.
They admire her beauty,
Praise her glossy coat,
But never hear her roar.
The silent beauty.

The tigress dreams of the open plain,
The one she was meant to run,
To hunt,
The one she`s only heard stories about,
She roares,
Trying to express her frustration,
But all the people see is a yawn.

Who am I, you ask?

I am the silent beauty,
The tigress who has lost her voice.
But I`ll be damned if I ever stop trying to find my roar.

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