Sight of the Glistening Golden Behemoths | Teen Ink

Sight of the Glistening Golden Behemoths MAG

March 24, 2016
By JeremyM SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
JeremyM SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

the pyramids
stand – small, the
young boy stares, struck
with admiration and fascination
at the sight of the colossal constructions.
3 questions flood the mind of the young child.
Who? How? Why? The world wonders the same.
The boy feels the rugged limestone rock shelling the outer layer.
The color gleams in the hot, arid climate, trembling
in the heat waves of summer. Ancestors pushing,
pulling, pitching. One final piece left. Finished.
The tomb of the king complete. Rejoice,
relish, revel. The boy thinks, It refuses
to be forgotten. Conquering ancient
history and architecture.
Dwarfing all that stands
before it. Claiming
authority over a boundless,
bone-dry wasteland.
The young
I will

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