Heard | Teen Ink


March 20, 2016
By ascoppettuolo SILVER, Wilmingotn, Massachusetts
ascoppettuolo SILVER, Wilmingotn, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Music was supposed to tame the moster,

Yet it was her silence that tamed him. 

It swallowed his lungs suffocatingly, 

Allowing him to finally breathe. 


The air came in then, with the light in tow. 

Everyone before her tried to sing him a beautiful melody, 

But she came stomping in silently, 

Deafening him.


He felt the impact of it shatter his darkness, 

And wash over him like the drop of a beat.

He cursed when he realized the beat was his own heart,

A sound so rarely heard through the drowning noise, 

But so clearly heard in her silence. 

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