The Leap | Teen Ink

The Leap

March 15, 2016
By mdavies BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
mdavies BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Both feet standing firmly on the diving board.
I breathe in the chlorine filled air, and
breathe out slowly, cautiously inching closer to the edge.

I jump and my hair grabs for the sky.
As gravity pulls me to the transparent blue water
I take in as much as I can before I’m engulfed.

Gracefully sinking to the bottom I open my eyes.
It stings but it is a new world, with unfamiliar things to explore,
only time runs short here.

Anxiety replaces oxygen and I frantically claw to the surface.
The moment my face escapes the waves of the pool, I swallow the air
and race towards the floating stairs, desperately needing to rest.

My heart crashes against my chest in rhythm as I attempt to steady
my breathing the water rolling down my face I step up,
both feet standing firmly on the diving board.

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