Time? | Teen Ink


March 10, 2016
By Villarrealest BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
Villarrealest BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tick tock
Tick tock

Have you ever wondered why the ticking of a clock
Always seems to tock at a different speed?
Or why things that happened years ago
Seem like they took place just yesterday?
And as a child, you thought you had psychic powers
Because of a thing called deja vu.
And now
Now, it just feels normal.
The passing of time has no real effect
And you.
Are frozen in it.
Every single memory.
Every time you’ve laughed
Every time you’ve cried
Every time you’ve told someone that you loved them
Are all distant and faded now.
You try and think of things that have happened in the past
But can never pinpoint the exact moment they took place.
And all you know is that it happened.
But what if
What if everything you remember really did
What if years were seconds,
Decades were days,
And centuries just weeks?

We think of time as something that can be measured
With clocks, calendars, and watches
But in all reality,
It is a subconscious occurrence
That does nothing but keep us sane enough
To believe that we have more of it than we actually do.
Time can’t be measured with physical objects.
It can only be measured in memories.

Think about it.
The only things that anyone seems to remember
Are tragedies, miracles, and the most pivotal moments in their lives.
So that poses the question:
What does that mean?
If time really does pass by
At a pace that’s faster than anyone can imagine
How do WE as humans make sure
That the last tick of our time here
Is well spent?
The truth is,
We may never know.
But what we can do
Is know that right now.
Right. Now.
Is the time to make those tragedies, miracles, and pivotal moments happen.
And only time will tell
If our memory is worthy
For the history books
Of our universe.

The author's comments:

In all honesty, this poem came from nothing more than a mild existential crisis. 

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