I Wonder Why | Teen Ink

I Wonder Why

March 3, 2016
By Mollymaree PLATINUM, CF, Minnesota
Mollymaree PLATINUM, CF, Minnesota
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Sometimes, I wonder why.
I wonder why the summer sky is blue,
Why the spring grass is green,
Why critters below the weeds
Aren’t always what they seem.

I wonder why the leaves
On the fall trees
Change to a warm and glowing red,
Why the puffy snow is white,
Not a color unsaid.

I wonder why some lakes
Are more spacious than others,
Why the fish nibble the hook,
Straying away from their mothers.

I wonder why tornadoes demolish
When they touch the ground,
Why the twister wants to take treasured lives,
Creating grave mounds.

Sometimes, I wonder why.
I wonder why God created the Earth the way it is,
With all of us trying to survive,
Why He has left it up to us to decide
To live or take a power dive.

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