I Don't Understand | Teen Ink

I Don't Understand

March 8, 2016
By Kailee_Fuentes BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
Kailee_Fuentes BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don't understand,

I don't understand why you would say that you loved me and cared about me.


When all you did was break me down.


At first, things were great.

Ahhh those were the days.


But then, something changed,

We talked less

I hurt more

You stayed happy


You told me that you couldn't help me with my problems

But when something happened to you, I was always there for you.


I don't understand,

Maybe you do,

But I, sure as hell



I can be there for you but, you can't be there for me.?


You acted like such a jerk after that whole thing with the girl changing her relationship status from single to in a relationship with you.


And me crying over you for cheating on me...


But, you know what?

I still forgave you.

I don't understand why I did,

I guess you can just say " I'm to nice."


After that, you would go days without speaking to me and leaving me on "seen".


But, I guess I just dove to deep for a love I couldn't keep.


I still don't understand you.

But, you wanna know something?

I understand that you, yes you, taught me a valuable life lesson.


And now,

I understand myself

More than ever.

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