The White Season | Teen Ink

The White Season

March 2, 2016
By Mollymaree PLATINUM, CF, Minnesota
Mollymaree PLATINUM, CF, Minnesota
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Bundled in a cozy red blanket, I contently
Sit sipping steaming hot chocolate
While glancing outside. Clusters of puff gracefully
Descend from the sky, catching my attention.

The brisk weather howls my name and I give in to the cold’s
Plead, piling on polyester gear.
Snow pants whistle while I race outside, white
Drifts onto my jacket, creating a crisp coat.

Gradually, I slow, observing the awaited
Breathtaking landscape. The trees, softly
Frosted with a dense white glaze. The ground, an
Innocent sheet of fresh paper.

Falling, I give birth to an angel, composing the first
Imprint. Frozen flakes elegantly land,
Diminishing into my warm skin. A sense of
Perfection inspires a smile to spread across my lips.    

The author's comments:

This is a poem about winter.

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