Frozen Wonderland | Teen Ink

Frozen Wonderland

March 2, 2016
By LindyEdstrom SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
LindyEdstrom SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A white wonderland
Where fragile flakes cascade from the sky 
From heavy blankets of powder
Pine tree branches bent to the ground

Brittle ice crunches like broken glass
Taking careful steps with cozy winter boots 
launching up a flurry of flakes
Drifting gracefully back to the Earth 

Gazing into the silver sky 
A balloon ready to burst open 
Crystals slipping in between the clouds 
Ducking under a roof before the storm hits 

The sky bursts and sheets of white 
Race to the frozen ground 
Noses turn red and fingers go numb 
A warm yellow light just a few steps away 

Stumbling through the wooden doorway
A porcelain mug with a ginger liquid pressed into chilled hands
Warmth of the crackling fire fills the cottage 
As the howling winter storm rages on outside

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