The stars of Earth | Teen Ink

The stars of Earth

February 29, 2016
By RojasJeffrey76 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
RojasJeffrey76 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The stars of the earth.
Mazes of color in groups.
Where thee fairy go,
And never come back out.
Especially red they were.
Soft and delicate the walls.
A bug a bed would make it.
Green was thee mazes shelter.
The stars of earth they were.
Vampires helped color the maze,
Blood drops from necks.
Walmart paint it wasnt.
Why soft pink I asked,
Rain washed away it's paint.
The white monsters are coming,
They'd stain you like ink.
Cold and bitter.
They take the branches baby's away,
Comes every year.
There king is winter.
Commands his soldiers to attack nature.
What a disgusting creature.
Maze is hard as stone.
Light blue the soul.
Bugs depart.
No more stars on earth.
Till Queen spring gives birth to thee.
And sends the bee.

The author's comments:

Valentines day and seeing roses everywhere.

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