you can't hurt me anymore | Teen Ink

you can't hurt me anymore

February 21, 2016
By shelbsss1202 BRONZE, Sawyer, Michigan
shelbsss1202 BRONZE, Sawyer, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"have courage and be kind"

and if

all the words you said to me 

that night

were tattooed across

your arms

your hands 

your face


would you erase 

all the things 

you couldn't say to my face

all of those words that were traced


imbedded in your skin

as though your words

embodied sin

would you take it all back

or would you win


yet again 

making me feel as though

I should not show 

all of these parts of me

only you now know


or would you hide

because inside

you knew that

all of your words were lies


you didn't mind 

playing darts

you aimed 

straight at my heart

oh if only you had known

what your little game would start


and even if you did 

regret the words 

you said that night

would it matter?


not really.

because you're gone.









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