As the Years Went by... | Teen Ink

As the Years Went by...

February 18, 2016
By Cresser101 SILVER, Edwardsville, Illinois
Cresser101 SILVER, Edwardsville, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of the world but those who fight and win battles that others do now know anything about."

As the crisp juicy sweet tasting fall apples came so did she.
Your Autumn baby.
With rosy cheeks and deep brown eyes. Smelling of warm cookies
She was supposed to be born 9-19-01 but it was not to be.
Instead she was born at 9:19 am on 8-19
A month early to the day.
The doctor said "No way" she's not coming today.
But he was wrong 12 hours which must of felt like an eternity later there she was.
Born at Anderson Hospital.
6 pounds and 5 oz
There she was your baby. With hair almost as white as snow.
But things are bound to change, that's just how things are.
And as the years went by your baby changed from that smiling little four year old who bounced around like tiger to a curious eight year old who was just like Sherlock Holmes  to something completely different.
By Age Ten everyone said she was hanging out with the wrong crowd
The wrong people, the wrong friends.
You warned her but did no more.
By age 11 her grades started to get worse and worse
Just as her friends had the year before.
You told her she had better get her grades up.
And wondered if it was because of the old friends again.
By the time she was 12 you felt reassured she had gotten better and different friends
And her grades went back up, at first
But half way through that year they dropped again
This time so much you worried whether or not she would get into advanced again.
But you worried for nothing.
Because by 13 she made good grades.
She had closer friends than the year before.
And while she might not of kept her room clean all the time.
Or always did her chores like she was supposed to.
She was a good kid.
A happy kid.
But that's only what you saw.
What you didn't see
The pain she was going through.
What you didn't see were the scars that marked her.
Or how she was just barley holding on.
No one saw it.
No one but him. He was the only one who ever saw it.
Ever understood it.
Maybe that's why she had stayed with him for so long.
I mean how long had it been? Four Years?
She should of listened to you from the very beginning.
Because now things are spinning spiraling out from her control and there is nothing she can do about it.
And it all steamed from him.
And he was the one that caused all her to lose her hold.
He stopped caring about anything
Especially her.
And It Broke her Left her in the dust.
If only she had listened…

If Only She Had Listened…

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