Wasting Away | Teen Ink

Wasting Away

February 16, 2016
By Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
35 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She wasted her whole life waiting to grow up
She thought in three years, she’d have a closer friend
That they would go on camping trips and to music festivals together
She never did
Just five more years she thought, then I’ll be twenty
When I’m twenty, I’ll be outgoing and talkative
She never did
Just in ten years, I’ll be 25, and then, I’ll have a husband and we’ll travel the world together
She never did
Only fifteen more years, and I’ll be thirty, and old, with kids and my own home
And again, she never did
In thirty years, she wanted her kids to be teenagers, and to buy a vacation home, and save up for retirement
Once again, she never did
In fifty years, that’s when she wanted to be relaxing with her husband in their vacation home, and having their adult kids to visit them with grandchildren
That never happened
Instead, after three years, she had four close friends who went everywhere with her, including camping trips and music festivals
After five years, she was studying in college, moving her way up the honor roll ladder quickly
After ten years, she was travelling the world with her same four friends
Then, when fifteen years came around, she found her future husband and they had a baby girl
After thirty years, their daughter was the age her mother was when she had first started dreaming
And after fifty years, she and her husband settled down in a quiet town in Italy and was often visited by squealing grandchildren
Though her plans changed
She didn’t waste a second waiting to grow up

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