The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

February 10, 2016
By Dean_Carley SILVER, Montrose, Pennsylvania
Dean_Carley SILVER, Montrose, Pennsylvania
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hell has no end, but dreams have an end. That is why the dreams are more frightening, because we, ourselves, have an end." -Nightmare (Alice in the Heart)

I walk on the beach

My footprints on the shore

The nearing thunder is rolling deep

I listen from my corridor


This corridor is the chamber I call home

A place locked in my mind

Far away from reality

By far the best of its kind


Here I have many friends

Mostly me, myself, and I

The storm aproaches nearer

While I hug myself to cry


I realize that i'm all alone

I have known for quite some time

The storm is here, just as I feared,

To kill me for my crimes

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