Where I am from | Teen Ink

Where I am from

February 9, 2016
By Sam.K BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Sam.K BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the house at the end of the block covered with tall green leaf  trees.

climbing to high, screaming to be saved because I can’t get down.
I’m from  family living the frantic lifestyle, working day in and day out,
trying to achieve success and constantly try my hardest.

I am from waiting for the sound of a blank round to go off
“on your mark..set..go.”
I'm from having my number one fan cheer me on (my mom) while
frantically running around the track.

I am from black, scared, cut open hands,  doing the work few love to do.
Hearing the pistons reciprocating  the engine purring.
My dad pats me on the back with a smile so big you could see from space.

I’m from never giving up, “one more rep.”
from growing symmetrically  down to the bone.
“BAM!” the dumbbells hit the floor
becoming stronger today than I was yesterday.

I am from the house at the end of the block covered with trees.
spending ages in the monkey’s layer.
Working with my hands, and brain.
I am a grease monkey.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in my Creative writting describing where I came from

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